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NCBI IDProteinIDLocusTagProductIDCazyIDOrthGroupIDSGD IDidentevalAnnotationASpGD IDidentEvalAnnotation
GBC41234.1g18252.t1RIR_2466900eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2c 2-OG0000170----AN438524.232.00E-15"Serine/threonine protein kinase involved in septation; required for actin ring formation during cytokinesis; mutants have strong growth defect, septation and conidiation defects, sensitivity to NaCl"
GBC41235.1g18252.t2RIR_2466900eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2c 2-OG0000170YAR019C27.326.00E-15Protein kinase of the Mitotic Exit Network; localized to the spindle pole bodies at late anaphase; promotes mitotic exit by directly switching on the kinase activity of Dbf2p; required for spindle disassembly after meiosis II; relocalizes to the cytoplasm upon DNA replication stressAN567427.681.00E-14"MAP kinase, kinase, kinase, kinase (MAPKKKK); mutants undergo premature but incomplete sexual development"
GBC41236.1g18253.t1RIR_2467000protein of unknown function--YBR082C67.362.00E-63"Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (E2); key E2 partner with Ubc1p for the anaphase-promoting complex (APC); mediates degradation of abnormal or excess proteins, including calmodulin and histone H3; regulates levels of DNA Polymerase-{alpha} to promote efficient and accurate DNA replication; interacts with many SCF ubiquitin protein ligases; component of the cellular stress response; UBC4 has a paralog, UBC5, that arose from the whole genome duplication"AN276169.393.00E-66Putative ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2; transcript upregulated in response to camptothecin
GBC41237.1g18254.t1RIR_2467100tyrosine kinase domain protein-OG0000041YKL126W285.00E-11"Serine/threonine protein kinase; phosphorylates and downregulates flippase activator Fpk1p; inactivates Orm1p and Orm2p (inhibitors of serine:palmitoyl-coenzyme A transferase) by phosphorylation in response to compromised sphingolipid synthesis; mutations affect receptor-mediated endocytosis and sphingolipid-mediated and cell integrity signaling pathways; homolog of mammalian kinase SGK; YPK1 has a paralog, YPK2, that arose from the whole genome duplication"----
GBC41240.1g18256.t1RIR_2467300btb/poz domain-containing protein 6-a-like-OG0000006YDR059C67.836.00E-72"Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme; mediates selective degradation of short-lived, abnormal, or excess proteins, including histone H3; central component of the cellular stress response; expression is heat inducible; protein abundance increases in response to DNA replication stress; UBC5 has a paralog, UBC4, that arose from the whole genome duplication"AN276174.661.00E-75Putative ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2; transcript upregulated in response to camptothecin
GBC41242.1g18257.t1RIR_2467400protein far1-related sequence 11-like-OG0000030--------
GBC41243.1g18258.t1RIR_2467500hypothetical protein-OG0000060--------
GBC41247.1g18260.t1RIR_2467700kelch-like protein 17-OG0000006--------
GBC41248.1g18261.t1RIR_2467800serine/threonine protein kinase-OG0000000--------
GBC41250.1g18262.t1RIR_2467900tyrosine kinase domain protein-OG0000041--------
GBC41251.1g18263.t1RIR_2468000serine/threonine protein kinase-OG0000090--------
GBC41252.1g18264.t1RIR_2468100cytochrome p450 monooxygenase-OG0000114YMR104C33.045.00E-22"Protein kinase similar to serine/threonine protein kinase Ypk1p; functionally redundant with YPK1 at the genetic level; participates in a signaling pathway required for optimal cell wall integrity; homolog of mammalian kinase SGK; YPK2 has a paralog, YPK1, that arose from the whole genome duplication"AN597329.391.00E-19Protein with similarity to protein kinase C; involved in polar axis establishment and germling growth; mutant is inviable and forms microcolonies
GBC41254.1g18265.t2RIR_2468200hypothetical protein----------
GBC41255.1g18265.t1RIR_2468200hypothetical protein----------
GBC41256.1Tis13_26775RIR_2468210Tis13_26775--YML061C26.954.00E-24"DNA helicase, potent G-quadruplex DNA binder/unwinder; possesses strand annealing activity; promotes DNA synthesis during break-induced replication; important for crossover recombination; translation from different start sites produces mitochondrial and nuclear forms; nuclear form is a catalytic inhibitor of telomerase; mitochondrial form involved in DNA repair and recombination; mutations affect Zn, Fe homeostasis; regulated by Rad53p-dependent phosphorylation in rho0 cells"AN689527.891.00E-25"Has domain(s) with predicted DNA helicase activity and role in DNA repair, telomere maintenance"
GBC41257.1g18266.t1RIR_2468300DNA topoisomerase II-OG0001606YJL095W24.142.00E-15MAPKKK acting in the protein kinase C signaling pathway; the kinase C signaling pathway controls cell integrity; upon activation by Pkc1p phosphorylates downstream kinases Mkk1p and Mkk2p; MAPKKK is an acronym for mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase kinase kinaseAN427930.874.00E-14Putative a2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase; role in the response to DNA damage; mutants sensitive to hydroxyurea
GBC41258.1g18267.t1RIR_2468400hypothetical protein--YBR082C64.186.00E-59"Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (E2); key E2 partner with Ubc1p for the anaphase-promoting complex (APC); mediates degradation of abnormal or excess proteins, including calmodulin and histone H3; regulates levels of DNA Polymerase-{alpha} to promote efficient and accurate DNA replication; interacts with many SCF ubiquitin protein ligases; component of the cellular stress response; UBC4 has a paralog, UBC5, that arose from the whole genome duplication"AN276166.429.00E-59Putative ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2; transcript upregulated in response to camptothecin
GBC41259.1Tis13_102626RIR_2468480Tis13_102626--YMR104C32.34.00E-20"Protein kinase similar to serine/threonine protein kinase Ypk1p; functionally redundant with YPK1 at the genetic level; participates in a signaling pathway required for optimal cell wall integrity; homolog of mammalian kinase SGK; YPK2 has a paralog, YPK1, that arose from the whole genome duplication"AN597330.323.00E-17Protein with similarity to protein kinase C; involved in polar axis establishment and germling growth; mutant is inviable and forms microcolonies
GBC41260.1g18268.t1RIR_2468500hypothetical protein--YBR082C54.739.00E-46"Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme (E2); key E2 partner with Ubc1p for the anaphase-promoting complex (APC); mediates degradation of abnormal or excess proteins, including calmodulin and histone H3; regulates levels of DNA Polymerase-{alpha} to promote efficient and accurate DNA replication; interacts with many SCF ubiquitin protein ligases; component of the cellular stress response; UBC4 has a paralog, UBC5, that arose from the whole genome duplication"AN2761561.00E-45Putative ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2; transcript upregulated in response to camptothecin
GBC41260.1g18268.t1RIR_2468500hypothetical protein--YNL298W26.671.00E-11"Cdc42p-activated signal transducing kinase; member of the PAK (p21-activated kinase) family, along with Ste20p and Skm1p; involved in septin ring assembly, vacuole inheritance, cytokinesis, sterol uptake regulation; phosphorylates Cdc3p and Cdc10p; CLA4 has a paralog, SKM1, that arose from the whole genome duplication"AN438524.245.00E-15"Serine/threonine protein kinase involved in septation; required for actin ring formation during cytokinesis; mutants have strong growth defect, septation and conidiation defects, sensitivity to NaCl"
GBC41260.1g18268.t1RIR_2468500hypothetical protein----------
GBC41260.1g18268.t1RIR_2468500hypothetical protein----------
GBC41261.1Tis13_9810RIR_2468510Tis13_9810--YJL164C34.173.00E-21"cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit; promotes vegetative growth in response to nutrients via the Ras-cAMP signaling pathway; inhibited by regulatory subunit Bcy1p in the absence of cAMP; phosphorylates and inhibits Whi3p to promote G1/S phase passage; partially redundant with Tpk2p and Tpk3p; phosphorylates pre-Tom40p, which impairs its import into mitochondria under non-respiratory conditions; TPK1 has a paralog, TPK3, that arose from the whole genome duplication"AN581526.152.00E-19Aurora protein serine/threonine kinase
GBC41262.1g18269.t1RIR_2468600ATP-dependent DNA helicase pif1-like-OG0000037YBL061C29.373.00E-21"Activator of Chs3p (chitin synthase III) during vegetative growth; recruits Chs3p to the bud neck via interaction with Bni4p; SKT5 has a paralog, SHC1, that arose from the whole genome duplication"AN081024.241.00E-27Protein with a predicted role in ER-associated protein degradation
GBC41263.1g18270.t1RIR_2468700serine/threonine-protein kinase ht1-OG0000041--------
GBC41264.1g18271.t1RIR_2468800tyrosine kinase domain protein-OG0000041--------
GBC41265.1g18272.t1RIR_2468900serine/threonine-protein kinase sty8-like-OG0000041--------
GBC41268.1g18274.t1RIR_2469100hypothetical protein----------
GBC41272.1g18276.t1RIR_2469300tripartite motif-containing protein 29 isoform----------
GBC41273.1g18277.t1RIR_2469400hsp70 family ATPase ssa3----------
GBC41274.1g18278.t1RIR_2469500SEL1 protein-OG0000000YPL140C26.344.00E-13"MAPKK involved in the protein kinase C signaling pathway; involved in control of cell integrity; upon activation by Bck1p phosphorylates downstream target, Slt2p; functionally redundant with Mkk1p; MKK2 has a paralog, MKK1, that arose from the whole genome duplication"----
GBC41275.1g18279.t1RIR_2469600serine/threonine protein kinase-OG0000038--------
GBC41277.1g18280.t1RIR_2469700hypothetical protein----------
GBC41278.1g18281.t1RIR_2469800tyrosine kinase domain protein-OG0000041--------
GBC41279.1g18282.t1RIR_2469900tyrosine kinase domain protein-OG0000041--------
GBC41280.1g18283.t1RIR_2470000serine/threonine-protein kinase ht1-like-OG0000041--------
GBC41282.1Tis13_31998RIR_2470020Tis13_31998-OG0000000YDR059C51.762.00E-18"Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme; mediates selective degradation of short-lived, abnormal, or excess proteins, including histone H3; central component of the cellular stress response; expression is heat inducible; protein abundance increases in response to DNA replication stress; UBC5 has a paralog, UBC4, that arose from the whole genome duplication"AN276155.293.00E-19Putative ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2; transcript upregulated in response to camptothecin
GBC41283.1g18284.t1RIR_2470100transposable element tc3 transposase-OG0000005--------
GBC41284.1g18285.t1RIR_2470200hypothetical protein--YOL113W25.861.00E-13"Member of the PAK family of serine/threonine protein kinases; similar to Ste20p; involved in down-regulation of sterol uptake; proposed to be a downstream effector of Cdc42p during polarized growth; SKM1 has a paralog, CLA4, that arose from the whole genome duplication"AN438531.081.00E-13"Serine/threonine protein kinase involved in septation; required for actin ring formation during cytokinesis; mutants have strong growth defect, septation and conidiation defects, sensitivity to NaCl"
GBC41285.1g18286.t1RIR_2470300mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase-OG0000041--------
GBC41286.1g18287.t1RIR_2470400tyrosine kinase domain protein-OG0000041YDR059C60.42.00E-64"Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme; mediates selective degradation of short-lived, abnormal, or excess proteins, including histone H3; central component of the cellular stress response; expression is heat inducible; protein abundance increases in response to DNA replication stress; UBC5 has a paralog, UBC4, that arose from the whole genome duplication"AN276165.13.00E-66Putative ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2; transcript upregulated in response to camptothecin
GBC41287.1g18288.t1RIR_2470500Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 D-OG0000103YPL153C30.434.00E-17DNA damage response protein kinase; required for cell-cycle arrest in response to DNA damage; activated by trans autophosphorylation when interacting with hyperphosphorylated Rad9p; also interacts with ARS1 and plays a role in initiation of DNA replication; activates the downstream kinase Dun1p; differentially senses mtDNA depletion and mitochondrial ROS; required for regulation of copper genes in response to DNA-damaging agents; relocalizes to cytosol in response to hyoxiaAN226932.424.00E-19"Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MAPKK), component of a signaling module SteD-SteC-MkkB-MpkB that controls coordination of development and secondary metabolism; mutant has a moderate growth defect and arrested sexual development"
GBC41288.1g18289.t1RIR_2470600Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 D-OG0000103--------
GBC41289.1g18290.t1RIR_2470700hypothetical protein-OG0000060--------
GBC41291.1g18291.t1RIR_2470800zinc finger bed domain-containing protein-OG0000008--------
GBC41292.1g18292.t1RIR_2470900tyrosine kinase domain protein-OG0000041--------
GBC41294.1g18294.t1RIR_2471100sel1 repeat domain-containing protein-OG0000000--------
GBC41295.1g18295.t1RIR_2471200serine/threonine protein kinase-OG0000000--------
GBC41297.1g18297.t1RIR_2471400zinc finger mym-type protein 4-like----------
GBC41299.1g18298.t1RIR_2471500serine/threonine protein kinase-OG0000000YJL164C30.086.00E-23"cAMP-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit; promotes vegetative growth in response to nutrients via the Ras-cAMP signaling pathway; inhibited by regulatory subunit Bcy1p in the absence of cAMP; phosphorylates and inhibits Whi3p to promote G1/S phase passage; partially redundant with Tpk2p and Tpk3p; phosphorylates pre-Tom40p, which impairs its import into mitochondria under non-respiratory conditions; TPK1 has a paralog, TPK3, that arose from the whole genome duplication"AN581533.335.00E-22Aurora protein serine/threonine kinase
GBC41300.1Tis13_65827RIR_2471510Tis13_65827-OG0000008YKL126W28.992.00E-14"Serine/threonine protein kinase; phosphorylates and downregulates flippase activator Fpk1p; inactivates Orm1p and Orm2p (inhibitors of serine:palmitoyl-coenzyme A transferase) by phosphorylation in response to compromised sphingolipid synthesis; mutations affect receptor-mediated endocytosis and sphingolipid-mediated and cell integrity signaling pathways; homolog of mammalian kinase SGK; YPK1 has a paralog, YPK2, that arose from the whole genome duplication"AN438533.338.00E-14"Serine/threonine protein kinase involved in septation; required for actin ring formation during cytokinesis; mutants have strong growth defect, septation and conidiation defects, sensitivity to NaCl"
GBC41301.1g18299.t1RIR_2471600zinc finger bed domain-containing protein-OG0000008--------
GBC41304.1g18300.t1RIR_2471700"p-type ATPase, calcium transporting"-OG0000307--------
GBC41305.1g18301.t1RIR_2471800hypothetical protein-OG0004555--------
GBC41306.1g18302.t1RIR_2471900hypothetical protein-OG0004555YAR019C30.472.00E-23Protein kinase of the Mitotic Exit Network; localized to the spindle pole bodies at late anaphase; promotes mitotic exit by directly switching on the kinase activity of Dbf2p; required for spindle disassembly after meiosis II; relocalizes to the cytoplasm upon DNA replication stressAN226931.732.00E-22"Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MAPKK), component of a signaling module SteD-SteC-MkkB-MpkB that controls coordination of development and secondary metabolism; mutant has a moderate growth defect and arrested sexual development"
GBC41308.1g18303.t1RIR_2472000tkl protein kinase-OG0000041--------
GBC41309.1g18304.t1RIR_2472100hypothetical protein-OG0001797--------
GBC41311.1g18305.t1RIR_2472200protein kinase-OG0000041YPL153C29.482.00E-18DNA damage response protein kinase; required for cell-cycle arrest in response to DNA damage; activated by trans autophosphorylation when interacting with hyperphosphorylated Rad9p; also interacts with ARS1 and plays a role in initiation of DNA replication; activates the downstream kinase Dun1p; differentially senses mtDNA depletion and mitochondrial ROS; required for regulation of copper genes in response to DNA-damaging agents; relocalizes to cytosol in response to hyoxiaAN226932.882.00E-17"Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MAPKK), component of a signaling module SteD-SteC-MkkB-MpkB that controls coordination of development and secondary metabolism; mutant has a moderate growth defect and arrested sexual development"
GBC41312.1g18306.t1RIR_2472300Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 D-OG0000103--------
GBC41313.1g18307.t1RIR_2472400serine/threonine-protein kinase ht1-OG0000041--------
GBC41315.1g18308.t1RIR_2472500serine/threonine protein kinase-OG0000000--------
GBC41316.1g18309.t1RIR_2472600spore wall assembly -related protein-OG0002250--------
GBC41318.1g18310.t1RIR_2472700tyrosine kinase domain protein-OG0000041--------
GBC41320.1g18312.t1RIR_2472900serine/threonine protein kinase-OG0000174--------
GBC41321.1g18313.t1RIR_2473000retrotransposable element-OG0000004--------
GBC41322.1g18314.t1RIR_2473100ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme e2-OG0000103--------
GBC41323.1g18315.t1RIR_2473200zinc finger bed domain-containing protein-OG0000008--------
GBC41325.1g18316.t1RIR_2473300ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme e2-OG0000103YLR096W32.073.00E-21"Serine/threonine protein kinase involved in regulation of exocytosis; localizes to the cytoplasmic face of the plasma membrane; KIN2 has a paralog, KIN1, that arose from the whole genome duplication"AN581529.924.00E-24Aurora protein serine/threonine kinase
GBC41328.1g18317.t1RIR_2473400ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme e2-OG0000103--------
GBC41330.1g18318.t1RIR_2473500Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 D-OG0000103--------
GBC41331.1g18319.t1RIR_2473600Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 D-OG0000103----AN177723.467.00E-25"Has domain(s) with predicted zinc ion binding activity, role in transcription, DNA-templated and nucleus localization"
GBC41332.1g18320.t1RIR_2473700calmodulin-dependent protein kinase-OG0000041--------
GBC41333.1g18321.t1RIR_2473800rab9 effector protein with kelch motifs-like-OG0000021--------
GBC41334.1g18322.t1RIR_2473900ribonuclease hi-OG0000001--------
GBC41336.1g18324.t1RIR_2474100serine/threonine protein kinase----------
GBC41338.1g18326.t1RIR_2474300serine/threonine-protein kinase sty8-like-OG0000041--------
GBC41339.1g18327.t1RIR_2474400mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase-OG0000041--------
GBC41340.1g18328.t1RIR_2474500ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme e2-OG0000103--------
GBC41341.1g18329.t1RIR_2474600wd40 repeat-like protein-OG0000041--------
GBC41343.1g18331.t1RIR_2474800similar to raf/atn-like protein kinase-OG0000041--------
GBC41344.1g18332.t1RIR_2474900Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 D-OG0000103--------
GBC41345.1g18333.t1RIR_2475000hypothetical protein-OG0000432--------
GBC41346.1g18334.t1RIR_2475100serine-enriched protein-OG0000006--------
GBC41348.1g18335.t1RIR_2475200serine/threonine protein kinase-OG0000000--------
GBC41349.1g18336.t1RIR_2475300mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase-OG0000041--------
GBC41350.1g18337.t1RIR_2475400Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 D-OG0000103--------
GBC41352.1g18338.t1RIR_2475500duf659 and ribonuclease h-like domain containing----------
GBC41356.1g18341.t1RIR_2475800serine/threonine protein kinase----------
GBC41358.1g18343.t1RIR_2476000hypothetical protein----------
GBC41360.1g18345.t1RIR_2476200ATP-dependent DNA helicase PIF1-OG0000037--------
GBC41361.1g18346.t1RIR_2476300serine/threonine protein kinase-OG0000000--------
GBC41363.1g18347.t1RIR_2476400serine/threonine protein kinase----------
GBC41364.1g18348.t1RIR_2476500ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme e2-OG0000008--------
GBC41365.1g18349.t1RIR_2476600tyrosine kinase domain protein-OG0000041--------
GBC41366.1g18350.t1RIR_2476700kelch repeat protein-OG0000021----AN1061936.892.00E-13"Has domain(s) with predicted carboxy-lyase activity, catalytic activity, pyridoxal phosphate binding activity and role in carboxylic acid metabolic process"
GBC41367.1g18351.t1RIR_2476800hypothetical protein----------
GBC41368.1g18352.t1RIR_2476900serine/threonine protein kinase-OG0000000--------
GBC41369.1g18353.t1RIR_2477000kelch repeat protein-OG0000021--------
GBC41370.1g18354.t1RIR_2477100cobalamin biosynthesis protein cobt-OG0000000--------
GBC41371.1g18355.t1RIR_2477200hypothetical protein-OG0000022--------
GBC41377.1g18359.t1RIR_2477600serine/threonine protein kinase-OG0000000--------
GBC41380.1g18361.t1RIR_2477800hypothetical protein--YBR160W58.72.00E-124"Cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) catalytic subunit; master regulator of mitotic and meiotic cell cycles; alternately associates with G1 (CLNs), S and G2/M (CLBs) phase cyclins, which provide substrate specificity; regulates cell cycle and basal transcription, chromosome duplication and segregation, lipid biosynthesis, membrane trafficking, polarized growth, and morphogenesis; abundance increases in DNA replication stress; transcript induction in osmostress involves antisense RNA"AN826163.997.00E-140Cyclin-dependent protein kinase; role in regulation of development in response to phosphate availability; interacts with cyclin Pho80; lethal in combination with mutations in phoB; mutant is sensitive to NaCl
GBC41381.1Tis13_19016RIR_2477810Tis13_19016--YDR337W42.242.00E-22Mitochondrial ribosomal protein of the small subunitAN317327.483.00E-20"Ortholog(s) have structural constituent of ribosome activity and mitochondrial membrane, mitochondrial small ribosomal subunit localization"
GBC41382.1g18362.t1RIR_2477900protein kinase-OG0000000--------
GBC41383.1g18363.t1RIR_2478000protein kinase--YLR348C48.111.00E-89"Mitochondrial dicarboxylate carrier; integral membrane protein, catalyzes a dicarboxylate-phosphate exchange across the inner mitochondrial membrane, transports cytoplasmic dicarboxylates into the mitochondrial matrix"AN625450.711.00E-101Putative mitochondrial dicarboxylate:inorganic phosphate antiporter
GBC41386.1g18365.t1RIR_2478200putative serine/threonine-protein----------
GBC41387.1g18366.t1RIR_2478300polo kinase cdc5----------
GBC41388.1g18367.t1RIR_2478400hypothetical protein-OG0000060YOL129W36.263.00E-22Vacuolar membrane protein of unknown function; involved in vacuolar protein sorting; also detected in the mitochondriaAN654437.169.00E-21"Ortholog(s) have role in late endosome to vacuole transport via multivesicular body sorting pathway and Vps55/Vps68 complex, fungal-type vacuole membrane localization"
GBC41389.1g18368.t1RIR_2478500hypothetical protein-OG0000060--------
GBC41390.1Tis13_48178RIR_2478510Tis13_48178--YPL209C52.317.00E-85"Aurora kinase of conserved chromosomal passenger complex; mediates release on mono-oriented kinetochores from microtubules in meiosis I, also release of kinetochores from cluster at SPBs at meiosis exit; helps maintain condensed chromosomes during anaphase, early telophase; required for SPB cohesion and prevention of multipolar spindle formation; Iocalizes to nuclear foci that diffuse upon DNA replication stress; required for inhibition of karyopherin Pse1p upon SAC arrest"AN581554.653.00E-99Aurora protein serine/threonine kinase
GBC41391.1g18369.t1RIR_2478600hypothetical protein----------
GBC41392.1g18370.t1RIR_2478700serine-threonine protein kinase-OG0000000--------
GBC41393.1g18371.t1RIR_2478800hypothetical protein-OG0000060--------
GBC41394.1g18372.t1RIR_2478900Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 D-OG0000103--------
GBC41395.1g18373.t1RIR_2479000serine/threonine protein kinase-OG0000000--------
GBC41396.1g18374.t1RIR_2479100ribonuclease h----------
GBC41398.1g18376.t1RIR_2479300gastrula zinc finger protein xlcgf46.1----------
GBC41400.1g18378.t1RIR_2479500hypothetical protein-OG0000004--------
GBC41404.1g18382.t1RIR_2479900reverse transcriptase-OG0000001--------
GBC41407.1g18384.t1RIR_2480100serine/threonine protein kinase-OG0000000--------
GBC41408.1g18385.t1RIR_2480200protein kinase----------
GBC41410.1g18386.t3RIR_2480300hypothetical protein----------
GBC41411.1g18386.t2RIR_2480300hypothetical protein----------
GBC41412.1g18386.t1RIR_2480300hypothetical protein----------
GBC41413.1g18387.t1RIR_2480400hypothetical protein----------
GBC41414.1g18388.t1RIR_2480500serine/threonine protein kinase-OG0000000--------
GBC41417.1g18389.t1RIR_2480600hypothetical protein----------
GBC41419.1g18390.t1RIR_2480700serine/threonine protein kinase-OG0000000YLL034C53.250"Putative ATPase of the AAA family; required for export of pre-ribosomal large subunits from the nucleus; distributed between the nucleolus, nucleoplasm, and nuclear periphery depending on growth conditions"AN136648.830"Has domain(s) with predicted ATP binding, nucleoside-triphosphatase activity, nucleotide binding activity"
GBC41421.1g18392.t1RIR_2480900putative rve super family integrase-OG0000031YHR011W45.792.00E-104Probable mitochondrial seryl-tRNA synthetase; mutant displays increased invasive and pseudohyphal growthAN1035338.682.00E-97Protein with similarity to seryl tRNA synthase; required for conidial germination; expression reduced after exposure to farnesol
GBC41422.1g18393.t1RIR_2481000hypothetical protein------AN1099125.26.00E-18Ortholog(s) have 4-amino-4-deoxychorismate lyase activity and role in folic acid biosynthetic process
GBC41423.1g18394.t1RIR_2481100hypothetical protein----------
GBC41426.1g18397.t1RIR_2481400ribonuclease h-OG0000001----AN587429.388.00E-20Putative LaeA-like methyltransferase
GBC41427.1g18398.t1RIR_2481500reverse transcriptase-OG0000001--------
GBC41432.1g18403.t1RIR_2482000d5-like helicase-primase-OG0000364--------
GBC41433.1g18404.t1RIR_2482100serine/threonine protein kinase-OG0000000--------
GBC41436.1g18405.t1RIR_2482200"regulator of chromosome condensation rcc1,"-OG0000154--------
GBC41437.1g18406.t1RIR_2482300serine/threonine protein kinase-OG0000154--------
GBC41438.1g18407.t1RIR_2482400"cgg triplet repeat-binding protein 1, partial"----------
GBC41439.1g18408.t1RIR_2482500transcriptional activator-OG0000255--------
GBC41440.1g18409.t1RIR_2482600hypothetical protein----------
GBC41441.1g18410.t1RIR_2482700hypothetical protein----------
GBC41442.1g18411.t1RIR_2482800hypothetical protein----------
GBC41443.1g18412.t1RIR_2482900"mata_hmg, partial"----------
GBC41444.1g18413.t1RIR_2483000fasciclin-domain-containing protein-OG0000393--------
GBC41445.1g18414.t1RIR_2483100GTPase imap family member 6-OG0000154--------
GBC41446.1g18415.t1RIR_2483200GTPase imap family member 6-OG0000154--------
GBC41447.1g18416.t1RIR_2483300GTPase imap family member 6-OG0000154--------
GBC41448.1g18417.t1RIR_2483400"regulator of chromosome condensation rcc1,"-OG0000154--------
GBC41452.1g18420.t1RIR_2483700transposase domain-containing protein-OG0000002YDR172W55.580"Translation termination factor eRF3; has a role in mRNA deadenylation and decay; altered protein conformation creates the [PSI(+)] prion that modifies cellular fitness, alters translational fidelity by affecting reading frame selection, and results in a nonsense suppressor phenotype; many stress-response genes are repressed in the presence of [PSI(+)]"AN208048.945.00E-176"Ortholog(s) have GTP binding, translation release factor activity, role in cytoplasmic translational termination and cytosolic ribosome, translation release factor complex localization"
GBC41454.1JEMT01028094.1_cds_EXX55616.1_24415RIR_2483810JEMT01028094.1_cds_EXX55616.1_24415--YGL205W28.912.00E-40Fatty-acyl coenzyme A oxidase; involved in the fatty acid beta-oxidation pathway; localized to the peroxisomal matrixAN675229.895.00E-40Putative multifunctional enzyme with a predicted role in fatty acid degradation; required for beta-oxidation
GBC41457.1g15471.t1RIR_2484100RNA-directed DNA polymerase from mobile element-OG0000001--------
GBC41461.1g15475.t1RIR_2484500hypothetical protein----------
GBC41462.1g15476.t1RIR_2484600RNA-directed DNA polymerase from mobile element-OG0000001--------
GBC41465.1g15479.t1RIR_2484900zinc finger bed domain-containing protein-OG0000008YDL064W63.252.00E-54SUMO-conjugating enzyme involved in the Smt3p conjugation pathway; nuclear protein required for S- and M-phase cyclin degradation and mitotic control; involved in proteolysis mediated by the anaphase-promoting complex cyclosome (APCC)AN439973.281.00E-61SumO conjugation (E2) enzyme
GBC41467.1g15481.t1RIR_2485100hypothetical protein----------
GBC41468.1Tis13_337945RIR_2485110Tis13_337945------AN748334.728.00E-35"Ortholog of A. nidulans FGSC A4 : AN4092, A. fumigatus Af293 : Afu2g05710, A. oryzae RIB40 : AO090001000688, Neosartorya fischeri NRRL 181 : NFIA_082430 and Aspergillus versicolor : Aspve1_0043503"
GBC41469.1g15482.t1RIR_2485200hypothetical protein----------
GBC41470.1g15483.t1RIR_2485300hypothetical protein----------
GBC41471.1g15484.t1RIR_2485400hypothetical protein----------
GBC41472.1g15485.t1RIR_2485500"riboflavin aldehydeforming enzyme, putative"-OG0000140--------
GBC41473.1g15486.t1RIR_2485600hypothetical protein-OG0000060--------
GBC41474.1g15487.t1RIR_2485700pyridoxal-dependent decarboxylase domain-OG0001374--------
GBC41475.1g15488.t1RIR_2485800isoprenylcysteine carboxyl methyltransferase-OG0002181YJR142W33.334.00E-648-oxo-dGTP diphosphatase of the Nudix hydrolase family; converts diphosphates of damaged forms of thiamin to monophosphates; GST fusion protein is a Dbf2p-Mob1p phosphorylation target in a proteome chip analysis; synthetic lethal with PH085 deletion; plays a role in restricting Ty1 transpositionAN019344.358.00E-65Ortholog(s) have 8-oxo-dGDP phosphatase activity
GBC41476.1g15489.t1RIR_2485900pe_pgrs--YNL141W21.57.00E-11Adenine deaminase (adenine aminohydrolase); converts adenine to hypoxanthine; involved in purine salvage; transcriptionally regulated by nutrient levels and growth phase; Aah1p degraded upon entry into quiescence via SCF and the proteasomeAN066239.351.00E-74Putative adenosine deaminase with a predicted role in nucleotide salvage pathways
GBC41477.1g15490.t1RIR_2486000hypothetical protein-OG0000060YHL032C38.865.00E-120Glycerol kinase; converts glycerol to glycerol-3-phosphate; glucose repression of expression is mediated by Adr1p and Ino2p-Ino4p; derepression of expression on non-fermentable carbon sources is mediated by Opi1p and Rsf1pAN391657.490Putative glycerol kinase with a predicted role in glycerol metabolism
GBC41478.1g15491.t1RIR_2486100hypothetical protein-OG0000060----AN007735.481.00E-49"Has domain(s) with predicted oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen, 2-oxoglutarate as one donor, and incorporation of one atom each of oxygen into both donors activity"
GBC41479.1g15492.t1RIR_2486200hypothetical protein-OG0000060----AN007734.941.00E-49"Has domain(s) with predicted oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen, 2-oxoglutarate as one donor, and incorporation of one atom each of oxygen into both donors activity"
GBC41480.1g15493.t1RIR_2486300hypothetical protein----------
GBC41481.1g15494.t1RIR_2486400hypothetical protein-OG0005395YMR240C42.739.00E-52Protein required for assembly of U2 snRNP into the spliceosome; forms a complex with Hsh49p and Hsh155pAN509849.472.00E-142"Ortholog(s) have U2 snRNP, post-mRNA release spliceosomal complex localization"
GBC41482.1g15495.t1RIR_2486500hypothetical protein-OG0000060--------
GBC41483.1g15496.t1RIR_2486600hypothetical protein-OG0000060--------
GBC41484.1g15497.t1RIR_2486700hypothetical protein----------
GBC41486.1g15498.t1RIR_2486800"histone lysine methyltransferase, set, putative"-OG0000152--------
GBC41487.1g15499.t1RIR_2486900cyclin-dependent serine/threonine-protein kinase-OG0000057YBR164C73.181.00E-94"Soluble GTPase with a role in regulation of membrane traffic; regulates potassium influx; role in membrane organization at trans-Golgi network; G protein of the Ras superfamily, similar to ADP-ribosylation factor"AN591267.988.00E-88Predicted ADP ribosylation factor GTPase
GBC41488.1g15499.t2RIR_2486900cyclin-dependent serine/threonine-protein kinase-OG0000057--------
GBC41489.1g15500.t1RIR_2487000Subunit ribosomal protein S15-OG0003197--------
GBC41490.1g15501.t1RIR_2487100metalloendopeptidase-OG0001186YOR159C53.263.00E-27"Core Sm protein Sm E; part of heteroheptameric complex (with Smb1p, Smd1p, Smd2p, Smd3p, Smx3p, and Smx2p) that is part of the spliceosomal U1, U2, U4, and U5 snRNPs; homolog of human Sm E"AN673556.471.00E-28"Ortholog(s) have splicing factor binding activity, role in mRNA splicing, via spliceosome and U1 snRNP, U2 snRNP, U2-type prespliceosome, U4/U6 x U5 tri-snRNP complex, U5 snRNP, post-mRNA release spliceosomal complex localization"
GBC41491.1g15502.t1RIR_2487200Putative dicarboxylic acid transmembrane-OG0000331YOL092W38.14.00E-51"Putative vacuolar membrane transporter for cationic amino acids; likely contributes to amino acid homeostasis by exporting cationic amino acids from the vacuole; member of the PQ-loop family, with seven transmembrane domains; similar to mammalian PQLC2 vacuolar transporter; YPQ1 has a paralog, RTC2, that arose from the whole genome duplication"AN572031.194.00E-40Putative G-protein coupled receptor; has a PQ loop repeat
GBC41492.1g15503.t1RIR_2487300hypothetical protein--YPL191C30.391.00E-34"Putative protein of unknown function; diploid deletion strain exhibits high budding index; green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fusion protein localizes to the cytoplasm; YPL191C has a paralog, YGL082W, that arose from the whole genome duplication"AN806733.593.00E-30"Has domain(s) with predicted Lys48-specific deubiquitinase activity, thiol-dependent ubiquitin-specific protease activity"
GBC41493.1g15504.t1RIR_2487400pb1 domain protein-OG0002091--------
GBC41495.1g15505.t1RIR_2487500hypothetical protein----------
GBC41496.1g15506.t1RIR_2487600"upf0220-domain-containing protein, partial"-OG0001239--------
GBC41497.1g15507.t1RIR_2487700hypothetical protein----------
GBC41498.1g15508.t1RIR_2487800Ser/thr/tyr protein kinase-OG0000997--------
GBC41499.1Tis13_4941RIR_2487810Tis13_4941--YDR170C31.732.00E-13"Guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for ADP ribosylation factors; involved in proliferation of the Golgi, intra-Golgi transport and ER-to-Golgi transport; found in the cytoplasm and on Golgi-associated coated vesicles"AN343832.12.00E-86"Has domain(s) with predicted ARF guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity, phospholipid binding activity and role in regulation of ARF protein signal transduction"
GBC41501.1g15509.t1RIR_2487900hypothetical protein----------
GBC41503.1Tis13_15348RIR_2488010Tis13_15348------AN527839.423.00E-21"Has domain(s) with predicted ATP binding, DNA helicase activity, helicase activity and role in DNA repair, telomere maintenance"
GBC41505.1g15512.t1RIR_2488200RNA recognition motif-containing protein-OG0000383--------
GBC41507.1g15514.t1RIR_2488400RNA-directed DNA polymerase from mobile element-OG0000001--------
GBC41509.1g15516.t1RIR_2488600hypothetical protein----------
GBC41511.1Tis13_21851RIR_2488710Tis13_21851------AN676736.636.00E-37Has domain(s) with predicted catalytic activity and role in metabolic process
GBC41513.1g15519.t1RIR_2488900hypothetical protein--YPR013C53.451.00E-14Putative zinc finger protein; YPR013C is not an essential geneAN874163.644.00E-21Putative C2H2 transcription factor involved in regulation of secondary metabolism and morphogenesis
GBC41515.1g15521.t1RIR_2489100zinc finger bed domain-containing protein-OG0002170--------
GBC41516.1JEMT01026697.1_cds_EXX58565.1_21461RIR_2489110JEMT01026697.1_cds_EXX58565.1_21461--YJL187C34.335.00E-31"Protein kinase that regulates the G2/M transition; regulates the G2/M transition by inhibition of Cdc28p kinase activity; localizes to the nucleus and to the daughter side of the mother-bud neck; phosphorylates conserved tyrosine residue in N-terminus of Hsp90 in cell-cycle associated manner, thus modulating the ability of Hsp90 to chaperone a selected clientele; homolog of S. pombe Wee1p; potential Cdc28p substrate"AN582235.021.00E-37Serine/threonine protein kinase involved in DNA damage checkpoint and G2/M transition; ortholog of S. pombe wee1; inviable; arrests in cell cycle
GBC41517.1g15522.t1RIR_2489200hypothetical protein--YKL014C23.555.00E-22Protein required for the normal accumulation of 25S and 5.8S rRNAs; nucleolar protein; associated with the 27SA2 pre-ribosomal particle; proposed to be involved in the biogenesis of the 60S ribosomal subunitAN023724.732.00E-30"Ortholog(s) have role in maturation of 5.8S rRNA from tricistronic rRNA transcript (SSU-rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, LSU-rRNA), maturation of LSU-rRNA from tricistronic rRNA transcript (SSU-rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, LSU-rRNA) and nucleolus localization"
GBC41518.1g15523.t2RIR_2489300hypothetical protein--YKL014C24.943.00E-18Protein required for the normal accumulation of 25S and 5.8S rRNAs; nucleolar protein; associated with the 27SA2 pre-ribosomal particle; proposed to be involved in the biogenesis of the 60S ribosomal subunitAN023726.212.00E-26"Ortholog(s) have role in maturation of 5.8S rRNA from tricistronic rRNA transcript (SSU-rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, LSU-rRNA), maturation of LSU-rRNA from tricistronic rRNA transcript (SSU-rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, LSU-rRNA) and nucleolus localization"
GBC41519.1g15523.t1RIR_2489300hypothetical protein--YKL014C23.556.00E-22Protein required for the normal accumulation of 25S and 5.8S rRNAs; nucleolar protein; associated with the 27SA2 pre-ribosomal particle; proposed to be involved in the biogenesis of the 60S ribosomal subunitAN023724.732.00E-30"Ortholog(s) have role in maturation of 5.8S rRNA from tricistronic rRNA transcript (SSU-rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, LSU-rRNA), maturation of LSU-rRNA from tricistronic rRNA transcript (SSU-rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, LSU-rRNA) and nucleolus localization"
GBC41520.1g15524.t1RIR_2489400protein-nucleus import-related protein-OG0002654--------
GBC41521.1g15525.t1RIR_2489500hypothetical protein-OG0000171YKL125W28.191.00E-23Protein required for transcription of rDNA by RNA polymerase I; transcription factor independent of DNA template; involved in recruitment of RNA polymerase I to rDNA; structure reveals unique HEAT repeat fold and a surface serine patch; phosphorylation of serine patch impairs cell growth and reduces RNA polymerase I binding in vitro and RNA polymerase I recruitment to the rDNA gene in vivoAN031224.365.00E-44"Ortholog(s) have transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase I CORE element sequence-specific binding activity and role in transcription by RNA polymerase I"
GBC41523.1g15527.t2RIR_2489700hypothetical protein--YBR237W26.752.00E-25"RNA helicase in the DEAD-box family; necessary for prespliceosome formation, bridges U1 and U2 snRNPs and enables stable U2 snRNP association with intron RNA"AN126647.713.00E-95"Ortholog(s) have ATPase activity, U1 snRNP binding, U2 snRNP binding activity, role in U2-type prespliceosome assembly and U2-type prespliceosome localization"
GBC41524.1g15527.t1RIR_2489700hypothetical protein--YBR237W46.595.00E-97"RNA helicase in the DEAD-box family; necessary for prespliceosome formation, bridges U1 and U2 snRNPs and enables stable U2 snRNP association with intron RNA"AN126666.192.00E-152"Ortholog(s) have ATPase activity, U1 snRNP binding, U2 snRNP binding activity, role in U2-type prespliceosome assembly and U2-type prespliceosome localization"
GBC41525.1g15528.t1RIR_2489800e3 ubiquitin-protein ligase rnf213-like--YCR059C43.81.00E-27Negative regulator of eIF2 kinase Gcn2p; competes with Gcn2p for binding to Gcn1p; may contribute to regulation of translation in response to starvation via regulation of Gcn2p; binds to monomeric actin and to ribosomes and polyribosomes; ortholog of mammalian IMPACTAN817335.092.00E-32"Ortholog(s) have actin monomer binding, protein kinase inhibitor activity, ribosome binding activity, role in negative regulation of protein phosphorylation and polysome, ribosome localization"
GBC41526.1g15529.t1RIR_24899005'-3' exoribonuclease 2-OG0000732YCR059C43.81.00E-27Negative regulator of eIF2 kinase Gcn2p; competes with Gcn2p for binding to Gcn1p; may contribute to regulation of translation in response to starvation via regulation of Gcn2p; binds to monomeric actin and to ribosomes and polyribosomes; ortholog of mammalian IMPACTAN817334.572.00E-32"Ortholog(s) have actin monomer binding, protein kinase inhibitor activity, ribosome binding activity, role in negative regulation of protein phosphorylation and polysome, ribosome localization"
GBC41527.1g15530.t1RIR_2490000AAA family ATPase Rix7 (predicted)-OG0002808--------
GBC41528.1g15531.t1RIR_2490100sel1 repeat protein-OG0000000--------
GBC41529.1g15532.t1RIR_2490200Seryl-tRNA synthetase-OG0001825--------
GBC41530.1g15533.t1RIR_24903004-amino-4-deoxychorismate lyase-OG0004713YIL008W40.788.00E-19Ubiquitin-like protein involved in thiolation of cytoplasmic tRNAs; receives sulfur from the E1-like enzyme Uba4p and transfers it to tRNA; also functions as a protein tag with roles in nutrient sensing and oxidative stress responseAN1212150.52.00E-31"Ortholog(s) have protein tag activity, role in cell budding, cellular response to oxidative stress, invasive growth in response to glucose limitation, protein urmylation, tRNA wobble position uridine thiolation and cytosol localization"
GBC41531.1g15534.t1RIR_2490400Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase type 5-OG0003691----AN298235.457.00E-84"Ortholog of A. niger CBS 513.88 : An02g12160, A. oryzae RIB40 : AO090005001426, Aspergillus wentii : Aspwe1_0135673, Aspergillus sydowii : Aspsy1_0042531 and Aspergillus terreus NIH2624 : ATET_01622"
GBC41532.1g15535.t1RIR_2490500protein of unknown function-OG0000535----AN298231.472.00E-55"Ortholog of A. niger CBS 513.88 : An02g12160, A. oryzae RIB40 : AO090005001426, Aspergillus wentii : Aspwe1_0135673, Aspergillus sydowii : Aspsy1_0042531 and Aspergillus terreus NIH2624 : ATET_01622"
GBC41533.1g15536.t1RIR_2490600sel1 repeat-containing protein-OG0000000--------
GBC41534.1g15537.t1RIR_2490700umta methyltransferase family protein-OG0000025YDL091C27.042.00E-33Subunit of the DSC ubiquitin ligase complex; UBX (ubiquitin regulatory X) domain-containing protein that interacts with Cdc48p; green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fusion protein localizes to the cytoplasm in a punctate pattern; ortholog of fission yeast Ucp10AN077032.989.00E-57"Ortholog(s) have clathrin binding activity, role in clathrin-dependent endocytosis, histone H2B ubiquitination, sterol regulatory element binding protein cleavage and Dsc E3 ubiquitin ligase complex, clathrin-coated vesicle localization"
GBC41535.1g15538.t1RIR_2490800"GTPase imap family member 4-like, partial"-OG0000154--------
GBC41536.1g15539.t1RIR_2490900"GTPase imap family member 4-like, partial"-OG0000154--------
GBC41537.1g15540.t1RIR_2491000polyglutamine-binding protein 1-OG0006450--------
GBC41538.1g15541.t1RIR_2491100hypothetical protein----------
GBC41539.1g15542.t1RIR_2491200hypothetical protein----------
GBC41540.1g15542.t2RIR_2491200hypothetical protein----------
GBC41542.1g15543.t1RIR_2491300hypothetical protein----------
GBC41543.1g15544.t1RIR_2491400"mata_hmg, partial"----------
GBC41544.1g15545.t1RIR_2491500hypothetical protein----------
GBC41546.1g15546.t1RIR_2491600"mata_hmg, partial"----------
GBC41547.1g15547.t1RIR_2491700"mata_hmg, partial"----------
GBC41548.1g15548.t1RIR_2491800"mata_hmg, partial"--YOL034W28.071.00E-112Component of the SMC5-SMC6 complex; this complex plays a key role in the removal of X-shaped DNA structures that arise between sister chromatids during DNA replication and repair; binds single-stranded DNA and has ATPase activity; S. pombe homolog forms a heterodimer with S. pombe Rad18p that is involved in DNA repairAN874232.911.00E-165"Ortholog(s) have ATPase activity, SUMO transferase activity, damaged DNA binding, single-stranded DNA binding activity"
GBC41549.1g15549.t1RIR_2491900mating type protein mat1-2-1-OG0000027--------
GBC41550.1g15550.t1RIR_2492000zinc finger bed domain-containing protein----------
GBC41551.1g15551.t1RIR_2492100kelch-like protein 17-OG0000006--------
GBC41552.1g15552.t1RIR_2492200hypothetical protein----------
GBC41556.1g15554.t1RIR_2492400hypothetical protein-OG0000036--------
GBC41557.1g15555.t1RIR_2492500Calmodulin-dependent protein kinase I-OG0000216--------
GBC41558.1g15556.t1RIR_2492600T-complex protein 1 subunit epsilon-OG0001694--------
GBC41559.1g15557.t1RIR_2492700T-complex protein 1 subunit epsilon-OG0001694--------
GBC41560.1g15558.t2RIR_2492800Translation elongation facter 1-alpha-OG0000253--------
GBC41561.1g15558.t1RIR_2492800Translation elongation facter 1-alpha-OG0000253--------
GBC41562.1g15559.t1RIR_2492900Acyl-CoA oxidase-OG0008281--------
GBC41568.1g15562.t1RIR_2493200RNA-binding protein-OG0004618YDR091C72.190"Essential Fe-S protein; required for ribosome biogenesis, translation initiation/termination; facilitates binding of multifactor complex (MFC) of initiation factors to small ribosomal subunit; Dom34-Hbs1 complex and Rli1p work in dissociating inactive ribosomes, thereby facilitating translation restart; forms complex with Lto1p and Yae1p; dependency on ROS-labile FeS clusters, activity in nuclear ribosomal-subunit export impaired by mild oxidative stress"AN125671.830"Has domain(s) with predicted ATP binding, ATPase activity, nucleoside-triphosphatase activity, nucleotide binding activity"
GBC41573.1g15567.t1RIR_2493700Ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2-OG0001894YBR222C29.692.00E-24"Oxalyl-CoA synthetase; capable of catalyzing conversion of oxalate to oxalyl-CoA; catalyzes first step in pathway of oxalate degradation that functions to protect yeast from inhibitory effects of oxalate; peroxisomal protein that binds mRNA; localizes to both peroxisomal peripheral membrane and matrix, expression is highly inducible by oleic acid; similar to E. coli long chain acyl-CoA synthetase"AN039837.852.00E-53Has domain(s) with predicted catalytic activity and role in metabolic process
GBC41574.1g15568.t1RIR_2493800zinc metalloprotease-OG0003386--------
GBC41575.1g15569.t1RIR_2493900putative phosphatidylglycerol/-OG0000621--------
GBC41576.1g15570.t1RIR_2494000"alpha-1,3-mannosyltransferase cmt1"GT69OG0003528YFL021W39.381.00E-22Transcriptional activator of nitrogen catabolite repression genes; contains a GATA-1-type zinc finger DNA-binding motif; activity and localization regulated by nitrogen limitation and Ure2p; different translational starts produce two major and two minor isoforms that are differentially regulated and localizedAN622162.125.00E-20"Putative GATA zinc finger transcription factor; leucine zipper motif; negative regulator of nitrogen catabolism; locus is predicted to encode areB-alpha, -beta, and -gamma transcripts"
GBC41577.1g15571.t1RIR_2494100transcription regulator gcr1-OG0005777----AN348725.442.00E-22"Ortholog of Aspergillus brasiliensis : Aspbr1_0190075, Aspergillus acidus : Aspfo1_0188967, Aspergillus wentii : Aspwe1_0067338 and Aspergillus versicolor : Aspve1_0158008"
GBC41580.1g15572.t1RIR_2494200crinkler family protein------AN11074244.00E-12Predicted hAT transposon-related ORF
GBC41583.1g15573.t1RIR_2494300thiamin pyrophosphokinase-related protein-OG0002257--------
GBC41584.1g15574.t1RIR_2494400adenine/adenosine deaminase-OG0002009--------
GBC41585.1g15575.t1RIR_2494500Glycerol kinase-OG0000521--------
GBC41586.1g15576.t2RIR_2494600"oxidoreductase, 2og-Fe(II) oxygenase family"-OG0000412--------
GBC41587.1g15576.t1RIR_2494600"oxidoreductase, 2og-Fe(II) oxygenase family"-OG0000412--------
GBC41588.1g15577.t1RIR_2494700hypothetical protein----------
GBC41589.1g15578.t1RIR_2494800Splicing factor 3B subunit 2-OG0002548--------
GBC41590.1g15579.t1RIR_2494900hypothetical protein----------
GBC41591.1g15580.t1RIR_2495000hypothetical protein----------
GBC41592.1g15581.t1RIR_2495100cardiolipin synthase----------
GBC41593.1g15582.t1RIR_2495200serine/threonine protein kinase--YFR024C-A501.00E-53"Protein containing a C-terminal SH3 domain; binds Las17p, which is a homolog of human Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome protein involved in actin patch assembly and actin polymerization; protein abundance increases in response to DNA replication stress; LSB3 has a paralog, YSC84, that arose from the whole genome duplication"AN416849.765.00E-63"Ortholog of A. fumigatus Af293 : Afu6g07880, A. niger CBS 513.88 : An11g02770, A. oryzae RIB40 : AO090003000147, Aspergillus wentii : Aspwe1_0121458 and Aspergillus sydowii : Aspsy1_1067771"
GBC41595.1g15583.t1RIR_2495300"ADP-ribosylation factor, Arf family"-OG0000116----AN1137761.764.00E-28Has domain(s) with predicted NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) activity and mitochondrion localization
GBC41596.1g15584.t1RIR_2495400hypothetical protein-OG0002949YLR298C43.757.00E-11"Component of the U1 snRNP complex required for pre-mRNA splicing; putative ortholog of human U1C protein, which is involved in formation of a complex between U1 snRNP and the pre-mRNA 5' splice site"AN195165.082.00E-24"Has domain(s) with predicted nucleic acid binding, zinc ion binding activity"
GBC41597.1g15585.t1RIR_2495500hypothetical protein----------
GBC41598.1g15586.t1RIR_2495600Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein E-OG0002486--------
GBC41599.1g15587.t1RIR_2495700vacuolar membrane pq loop repeat protein-OG0000485YMR205C45.580"Beta subunit of heterooctameric phosphofructokinase; involved in glycolysis; indispensable for anaerobic growth; activated by fructose-2,6-bisphosphate and AMP; mutation inhibits glucose induction of cell cycle-related genes"AN322355.870Putative 6-phosphofructokinase with a predicted role in gluconeogenesis and glycolysis; upregulated under hypoxic growth conditions
GBC41600.1g15588.t1RIR_2495800duf544 family protein-OG0002423YDR517W31.071.00E-16"Acetylated cis-Golgi protein, involved in ER to Golgi transport; homolog of human GRASP65; forms a complex with the coiled-coil protein Bug1p; mutants are compromised for the fusion of ER-derived vesicles with Golgi membranes; protein abundance increases in response to DNA replication stress"----
GBC41601.1g15589.t1RIR_2495900hypothetical protein-OG0006142YPL140C53.338.00E-97"MAPKK involved in the protein kinase C signaling pathway; involved in control of cell integrity; upon activation by Bck1p phosphorylates downstream target, Slt2p; functionally redundant with Mkk1p; MKK2 has a paralog, MKK1, that arose from the whole genome duplication"AN418949.838.00E-93"Essential mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MAPKK); mutants arrest as branched germlings, but the phenotype is remediated by NaCl or sucrose"
GBC41603.1g15590.t1RIR_2496000putative zinc finger domain-containing protein-OG0000011----AN599831.589.00E-31Has domain(s) with predicted zinc ion binding activity
GBC41604.1Tis13_95017RIR_2496010Tis13_95017------AN346447.931.00E-72Has domain(s) with predicted protein-L-isoaspartate (D-aspartate) O-methyltransferase activity and role in cellular protein modification process
GBC41605.1Tis13_29784RIR_2496020Tis13_29784--YBR111C40.116.00E-43Nudix hydrolase family member with ADP-ribose pyrophosphatase activity; shown to metabolize O-acetyl-ADP-ribose to AMP and acetylated ribose 5'-phosphateAN771141.921.00E-46Putative nudix hydrolase
GBC41606.1JEMT01027925.1_cds_EXX55907.1_24119RIR_2496030JEMT01027925.1_cds_EXX55907.1_24119--YPL164C29.554.00E-35Protein involved in DNA mismatch repair and meiotic recombination; involved in crossing-over during meiotic recombination; forms a complex with Mlh1p; mammalian homolog is implicated mammalian microsatellite instabilityAN436534.185.00E-40"Ortholog(s) have role in meiotic mismatch repair, reciprocal meiotic recombination and MutLgamma complex, nucleus localization"
GBC41607.1g15591.t1RIR_2496100guanine nucleotide exchange factor-OG0000181--------
GBC41608.1g15592.t1RIR_2496200serine/threonine protein kinase------AN949523.089.00E-12"Has domain(s) with predicted DNA binding, nucleic acid binding activity"
GBC41609.1g15593.t1RIR_2496300ATP-dependent DNA helicase pif1-like-OG0000037YPL240C68.130"Hsp90 chaperone; redundant in function with Hsc82p; required for pheromone signaling, negative regulation of Hsf1p; docks with Tom70p for mitochondrial preprotein delivery; promotes telomerase DNA binding, nucleotide addition; protein abundance increases in response to DNA replication stress; contains two acid-rich unstructured regions that promote solubility of chaperone-substrate complexes; HSP82 has a paralog, HSC82, that arose from the whole genome duplication"AN826970.350"90 kilodalton heat shock protein; physically associates with importin-alpha, KapA; palA-dependent expression independent of pH"
GBC41610.1g15594.t1RIR_2496400ATP-dependent DNA helicase pif1-like-OG0005329--------
GBC41611.1g15595.t1RIR_2496500transcriptional factor b3-OG0000062YGL232W30.292.00E-34Putative tRNA acetyltransferase; RNA-binding protein required for the formation of the modified nucleoside N(4)-acetylcytidine in serine and leucine tRNAs but not required for the same modification in 18S rRNA; protein abundance increases in response to DNA replication stressAN488931.254.00E-36Ortholog(s) have RNA binding activity and role in tRNA modification
GBC41612.1g15596.t1RIR_2496600hypothetical protein-OG0000026YPR162C22.886.00E-11"Subunit of the origin recognition complex (ORC); ORC directs DNA replication by binding to replication origins and is also involved in transcriptional silencing; ORC4 has a paralog, RIF2, that arose from the whole genome duplication"AN589222.412.00E-29"Ortholog(s) have DNA replication origin binding activity and role in DNA replication initiation, chromatin silencing at silent mating-type cassette, pre-replicative complex assembly involved in nuclear cell cycle DNA replication"
GBC41613.1JEMT01022854.1_cds_EXX64751.1_15277RIR_2496610JEMT01022854.1_cds_EXX64751.1_15277-OG0000026YLR086W43.410"Subunit of the condensin complex; condensin reorganizes chromosomes during both mitosis and meiosis; forms a subcomplex with Smc2p that has ATP-hydrolyzing and DNA-binding activity, but other condensin subunits are required for chromatin binding; required for tRNA gene clustering at the nucleolus; potential Cdc28p substrate"AN459753.670"Putative condensin subunit, ortholog S. cerevisiae Smc4p"
GBC41616.1g15599.t1RIR_2496900hypothetical protein-OG0000062YNL116W47.533.00E-61"Ubiquitin-protein ligase (E3); controls septin dynamics and spindle position checkpoint (SPOC) with ligase Dma1p by regulating recruitment of Elm1p to bud neck; regulates levels of eIF2 subunit Gcd11p, as well as abundance, localization, and ubiquitination of Cdk inhibitory kinase Swe1p; ortholog of human RNF8, similar to human Chfr; contains FHA and RING finger domains; DMA2 has a paralog, DMA1, that arose from the whole genome duplication"AN690835.849.00E-46"Ortholog of A. fumigatus Af293 : Afu5g13560, A. niger CBS 513.88 : An14g05050, A. oryzae RIB40 : AO090113000013, Aspergillus wentii : Aspwe1_0452655 and Aspergillus sydowii : Aspsy1_0589528"
GBC41618.1g15601.t1RIR_2497100"os11g0671600, partial"-OG0000062----AN364322.675.00E-35"Ortholog(s) have guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity, role in Golgi to endosome transport, endocytosis, protein targeting to vacuole and early endosome membrane, extrinsic component of membrane, trans-Golgi network localization"
GBC41619.1g15602.t1RIR_2497200enoyl-coa hydratase/isomerase family protein-OG0004738YNL297C28.654.00E-48Protein with a role in endocytosis and vacuole integrity; peripheral membrane protein; interacts with and negatively regulates Arl1p; localizes to the endosome; member of the Sec7p family of proteinsAN364335.624.00E-101"Ortholog(s) have guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity, role in Golgi to endosome transport, endocytosis, protein targeting to vacuole and early endosome membrane, extrinsic component of membrane, trans-Golgi network localization"
GBC41620.1g15603.t1RIR_2497300Nuclear receptor interaction protein-OG0001499YNL297C28.655.00E-48Protein with a role in endocytosis and vacuole integrity; peripheral membrane protein; interacts with and negatively regulates Arl1p; localizes to the endosome; member of the Sec7p family of proteinsAN364335.623.00E-101"Ortholog(s) have guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity, role in Golgi to endosome transport, endocytosis, protein targeting to vacuole and early endosome membrane, extrinsic component of membrane, trans-Golgi network localization"
GBC41621.1g15604.t1RIR_2497400c2h2 finger domain protein-OG0000003YNL297C31.892.00E-33Protein with a role in endocytosis and vacuole integrity; peripheral membrane protein; interacts with and negatively regulates Arl1p; localizes to the endosome; member of the Sec7p family of proteinsAN364337.252.00E-43"Ortholog(s) have guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity, role in Golgi to endosome transport, endocytosis, protein targeting to vacuole and early endosome membrane, extrinsic component of membrane, trans-Golgi network localization"
GBC41622.1g15605.t1RIR_2497500anaphase promoting complex subunit 2-OG0003110----AN919235.116.00E-42"Ortholog of A. fumigatus Af293 : Afu3g03910, A. niger CBS 513.88 : An13g01790, A. oryzae RIB40 : AO090038000138, Neosartorya fischeri NRRL 181 : NFIA_006190 and Aspergillus kawachii : Aspka1_0177086"
GBC41623.1g15605.t2RIR_2497500anaphase promoting complex subunit 2-OG0003110YCR084C46.844.00E-119"General repressor of transcription; forms complex with Cyc8p, involved in the establishment of repressive chromatin structure through interactions with histones H3 and H4, appears to enhance expression of some genes"AN650567.221.00E-171"WD40 repeat protein; required for sexual development and for sterigmatocystin production; experimentally studied orthologs present in Neurospora crassa, Candida albicans, Schizosaccharomyces pombe and Penicillium marneffei"